AlphaNet Canada Coordinators


AlphaNet Canada services are provided through direct contact with AlphaNet Canada Coordinators. An English-speaking Coordinator is assigned to each province. One French-speaking Coordinator is assigned to Quebec and is available to speak with all other French speakers.

Each coordinator is an Alpha, is living with symptoms of the condition, and has received both initial and ongoing specialized training. The coordinators can guide Alphas through many of the challenges they face, answering questions and providing emotional support when needed. The coordinator also serves as a resource, keeping Alphas up-to-date with the latest information about Alpha-1 and the Canadian Alpha community.

AlphaNet Canada Coordinators’ Services include:

  • Being available to answer questions seven days per week
  • Contacting each subscriber on a monthly or other agreed upon basis to ensure lines of communication remain open and that support is provided as needed
  • Providing education about Alpha-1 and how to live healthier lives through proven disease management techniques
  • Sharing information about current clinical trials and research
  • Connecting subscribers to other Alpha-1 resources
  • Facilitating participation with quality of life questionnaires for AlphaNet Canada’s confidential, PIPEDA compliant, Canadian-based database which will be used for future AlphaNet Canada research.

Jon Holmes

AlphaNet Canada
(888) 254-4993
Provinces Covered:
Ontario, & Prince Edward Island


 Jon Holmes, serving Alphas in Ontario and Prince Edward Island, embarked on his journey with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in 2011. Despite lifelong asthma, he remained active in sports until 2010 when respiratory issues resurfaced, leading to his diagnosis. Following treatments and a bilateral lung transplant in 2020, Jon now channels his into supporting and advocating for Alphas.



Ileine Matton

AlphaNet Canada
(888) 909-9046
Province Covered:
At Large, Bilingual


As part of her successful career at a Bilingual Employment Centre, Ileine gained extensive experience in assisting and working with people to achieve their goals.  Her education and training in coaching and supportive counseling are an asset to Eastern Canada Alphas.  She lives in Barrie in Ontario and was diagnosed with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in 2008.



Anne Thiffault

AlphaNet Canada
(844) 954-5258
Province Covered:
Quebec,  Bilingual




William “Rick” Scott

AlphaNet Canada
(855) 895-5293 

Provinces Covered:
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, & Newfoundland

Over the course of 30 years, Rick worked in the Automotive Finance field overseeing operations internationally in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central and South America. He and his wife live in London, Ontario and enjoys playing golf in his spare time. Rick was diagnosed with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in 2010 and is delighted to be able to give back and help others with Alpha-1.

Learn more about Rick …



Mike Benn

AlphaNet Canada
(877) 446-0848

Provinces Covered:
Alberta, Saskatchewan, & Manitoba



 After a long career in the U.S. Navy, based in a variety of places in the mainland U.S., Hawaii, Guam, and Japan, Mike worked in the corporate recruiting, marketing and financial industries. He served as a U.S. AlphaNet Coordinator before becoming the first manager of AlphaNet Canada.



Rob Pattee

AlphaNet Canada
(844) 233-9537

Provinces Covered:
British Columbia


 Rob Pattee lives in Surrey, British Columbia with his wife. Up until very recently, he worked in the music business representing artists both as their agent and, in some cases, their manager. He was diagnosed with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in 1998, and began augmentation therapy shortly after. Rob looks forward to speaking with other Alphas and sharing experiences to hopefully help make a difference in his fellow Alphas’ lives.

Learn more about Rob…